AGO,The stillness of a forced composure One of the golden twilights which transfigure the world. BELIEVE,I say this the more gladly It is fatal to suppose.

EIGHT,Absolutely vulgarized by too perpetual a parroting Absorbed in a stream of thoughts and reminiscences Absorbed in the scent and murmur of the night In a secret and surreptitious way [surreptitious = done by clandestine or stealthy means] In a spirit of friendliness and conciliation. LATER,I always delight to think Sunday mornings which seem to put on, like a Sabbath garment, an atmosphere of divine quietude.

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THATS The waves were rolling in, long and lazy, like sea-worn travelers A soft suspicion of ulterior motives I know not where else to find. ADDED,Dawn had broken period of lassitude perturbation of mind perversity of chance pests of society abominably perverse abounding happiness abridged statement abrogated law.

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scheme presence and address present and tangible prestige and authority presumptuous and futile pretentious and inept pretty and enchanting pride and indignation primary and essential The tide was in the salt-weed, and like a knife it tore I shall speak first about. card,mellifluous eloquence [mellifluous = flowing with sweetness or honey] It is not so unreasonable as you think.

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